Monday, December 20, 2010

So we've made it!

Finally, the shop is (almost) done! Even though there're still tons of work to make it perfect, it is good enough to open. We couldn't wait anymore since it was getting too close to Xmas. Now we're more than happy to give you a sneak peak of our new-born baby: The CityOwls!

The Owls are out, bright and shine in the city night!

Window display with homemade Christmas trees (which turn out to be our best seller so far).

Wooden boxes sit on a stool left over by the previous renter.

We hired a guy to paint this tree on the wall. Wonder why it's so "leaf-less"? Because it's winter now, and we will later make and add the leaves ourselves, a few at a time. Hopefully it will be in full bloom in spring!

I made this bag with our signature owl (made by my sis). It was sold already, but more are in production.

Some products in the shop that we ourselves fall in love with :)

Looking out to Phan Dinh Phung street...

Wishing you all a sweet Xmas and don't forget to stop by the shop to say hi to the Owls.

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